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Our tips about condoms

MISTER SIZE offers you numerous tips about the use of condoms, your penis and other related topics.

Eine Banane schaut aus einer Hose als Symbol für einen Penis
Our tips about condoms

Overcoming erection problems with a condom

Overcoming erection problems when using condoms: Tips for the right condom size, relaxation, and stimulation. Find out more and enjoy safe, pleasurable sex.

Warensendungen aus China und Fernost
Our tips about condoms

The hidden risks of cheap products from the Far East

Discover the hidden risks of cheap products and how you can ensure quality and safety with condoms and more from the Far East.

Drei Mülleimer zum Entsorgen von Kondomen
Our tips about condoms

Dispose of condoms correctly

Learn how to dispose of condoms in an environmentally conscious way and contribute to a sustainable future. A guide to responsible behaviour

Der etwas andere Messschieber, der Condom Sizer
Our tips about condoms

The caliper with a difference - our Condom Sizer

Calipers are precise tools and offer greater accuracy than many other measuring instruments while being easy to use. The Condom Sizer uses the same principle to determine condom size.

Spermizid und Kondome
Our tips about condoms

Spermicide and condoms

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of spermicides in protecting against unwanted pregnancies and why well-fitting condoms are safer for contraception.

Dose mit Creme in einer Hand und etwas Creme in der anderen Hand
Our tips about condoms

Alternatives to lubricant - What is the best substitute?

One tablespoon of olive oil can be more damaging to a condom than 18 litres of air pumped into it. Find out why and which popular lube alternatives should stay in the kitchen.

Erektionsstörungen, Potenzprobleme oder erektile Dysfunktionen können sehr belastend für Männer sein, das sind Gründe und Ursachen dafür
Our tips about condoms

Erectile dysfunction: causes and reasons

Erectile dysfunction can be very stressful for many men. You can find out more about the causes of erectile dysfunction, how it is diagnosed and treated, and other helpful information and tips in this article.

Kondom für Kids, Kinder und Jugendliche, mit 2 Fingern und aufgemaltem Gesicht
Our tips about condoms

Condoms for kids - condoms that grow with children

Most children and adolescents have sex for the first time at a time when their bodies are not yet fully formed. Nevertheless, they need to protect themselves well, which is rarely possible with standard condom sizes. That's why there are condoms that…

Liebendes Paar küsst sich im Bett
Our tips about condoms

5 ways to ensure you are having the best Orgasms this Spring

Who doesn’t love having intense orgasms? Occasionally, our sex-life can get into a bit of a rut with reduced sexual pleasure - so here are five ways to ensure you are having the best orgasms this spring.

Ein Liebespaar hält zwei rote Herzen in der Hand zum Valentinstag
Our tips about condoms

How to make Valentine’s Day a memorable moment

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we know that planning the perfect night can often feel daunting, so we’re here to make sure your evening is a night to remember. With this in mind, here’s how to make Valentine’s Day a memorable moment.

Küssendes Paar unter der Bettdecke
Our tips about condoms

5 New Year Sex Resolutions for a pleasurable 2023

January marks the start of a fresh new year and like all new beginnings, this tends to result in our enthusiasm for making all kinds of aims and resolutions. Here are 5 sex-positive New Year's resolutions for a satisfying sex-life for 2023…

Ein Mann ohne Erektionsstörungen oder Potenzprobleme liegt im Bett neben einer Frau, beide kuscheln miteinander.
Our tips about condoms

Increase potency as a man, how to improve your potency

Erectile dysfunction and potency problems are annoying and can be remedied because an unhealthy lifestyle is often the cause.

Was passiert wenn man die falsche Größe hat aus Sicht des Weihnachtsmannes
Our tips about condoms

12 days of Christmas: What happens when you have the wrong size

What happens when you have the wrong sized item? With hilarious tales from Santa, find out why wearing the wrong size can cause chaos and discomfort with the 12 days of Christmas and why a Mister Size condom really is the greatest gift you can have…

Nachttisch neben dem Bett zur Aufbewahrung von Kondomen
Our tips about condoms

Storing condoms properly

The correct storage of condoms has a direct influence on the shelf life and safety of your condoms, so you should know the most important rules for storage. Find out here what you need to keep in mind when storing condoms.

Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum bei Kondomen von Mister Size
Our tips about condoms

Shelf life of condoms - all important information

What is the shelf life of condoms? What is the minimum shelf life date all about? Find out all the important information now.

Paar im Sommer am Strand
Our tips about condoms

Summer sex tips: 7 ways to have sensational sex this Summer

Summer has finally arrived bringing with it sunshine, summer glow and scorching summer sex. With the temperature soaring, here are 7 summer sex tips to help you have sensational sex this summer.

Kondom Anwendung
Our tips about condoms

Use of condoms

What should I bear in mind when using condoms? Here are the most important tips before you use condoms.

Sommerurlaub mit Koffer
Our tips about condoms

The Top 12 Condoms in other languages

The summer holiday can come, with our list you are perfectly prepared for every hot flirt even on holiday.

Geplatztes Kondom über Kaktus stecken geblieben
Our tips about condoms

Condom stuck, slipped off or burst? That's what to do!

The condom slipped off, burst or got stuck in the vagina? Here you can find out what to do and how to prevent it in the future.

Our tips about condoms

Sex vs. Corona - 7 tips against lockdown boredom

Corona lockdown can be nice and all, but what if it should get a little heated? Level up your love life with these 7 sex tips.

Our tips about condoms

One like no one - what the different penis shapes are all about

Every penis is different. But what forms are there actually? And what do they say about the man? Here you can find out everything you need to know.

Our tips about condoms

Putting on a condom correctly: How to get it right first time and the biggest mistakes

Do you want to do everything right the first time? Or see how putting the condom on is even easier? Check out our quick guide with cool tips.

Verliebtes Paar mit Wunderkerzen zu Neujahr
Our tips about condoms

The 12 best erotic New Year's resolutions

With these 12 ideas, you can kick-start your sex life over the next 12 months. Just pick one idea per month!

Our tips about condoms

No matter how big or small - I love my penis

Body positivity is a great thing for men as well. No more worrying and comparing, just love your penis. You have every reason to do so. Find out why here.

Gleitgel wird über eine Banane laufen gelassen, die von einer Hand gehalten wird
Our tips about condoms

Condoms and lubricants – How to find the best for you

Is the lubricant always on-hand for when things get cuddly? If not, it better be! How this slippery aid can give your sex life a nice little boost.